Mon, 28 July 2014
The Intellivisionaries - Episode 11. A "deep dive" game review of Q*Bert, the arcade conversion. We also have another "Questions For Keith" session, with Keith Robinson of Intellivision Productions, discussing the upcoming Intellivision Flashback console from AT Games. Rick interviews listener & game reveiwer 'TrekMD' from Retro Video Gamer (UK forums). And we have several guest podcasters offering their opinions of Q*Bert, including Chris Bidwell from Now You're Playing With Podcast, Ferg from The Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast, William Culver from The ColecoVisions Podcast, and Dubstep Dad, Sweet and Aaron from Retro Obscura. We also reveal the winner of the "Mr_INTV" AtariAge Intellivision giveaway contest. And we introduce a new segment "Homebrew Highlight", basically a mini-review of a modern day Intellivision game. Of course we have our usual news, listener feeback, mentions and strange drop-ins that Paul likes to do for some reason or another. Enjoy!
Direct download: The_Intellivisionaries_-_Episode_11_Jul_2014.mp3
Category:Intellivisionaries Episodes -- posted at: 2:50pm PST |